Saturday, 22 March 2014

Who should we vote for?


There are two important elections taking place in the near future and, for the first time, I find myself participating in discussions with other nationalists about which party it is best to vote for and whether it is actually worthwhile to vote at all.  

I believe that these questions deserve addressing in some detail because they are important ones; voting is one of the few ways in which British nationalists can influence the politics of our country, and given the severity of our nation's condition, we ought to exert as much influence as we possibly can.

Therefore, I have composed this short article presenting my views about the best voting strategy and the arguments in favour of them.

As with many of the articles that I hope will appear on this site, the views and arguments I wish to put across here may be seen as controversial by many nationalists.  I ask that readers approach them with an open mind and remember that I am on the same side as they are, striving to achieve the same objectives but perhaps through different means.  If I am wrong, then I would like to know why I am wrong so that I might discover more truth and improve my arguments, but as my intentions are the same as those of any good nationalist, and as being wrong is not a crime, I ask that I am not simply labelled a traitor or an establishment operative in lieu of actual criticism and debate.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

The Homosexual Question


This site was launched a few weeks ago now in the expectation of an imminent first article and of several more to follow soon after. However, our primary writer has since encountered various long delays, and as it will conceivably be another few days yet until it is finished, and as Intelligent Nationalism is so far devoid of any content (intelligent or otherwise), we have decided to copy over an article from another website in the meantime.

Intelligent Nationalism intends to produce articles which examine topics from a nationalist perspective in a more in-depth, more honest and better argued manner than is typical in the nationalist blogosphere however controversial it may prove. We feel that the following article from the esteemed Western Spring website meets those criteria nicely. The article is about homosexuality and the question of how it ought to be treated in our society.

This topic is one which British nationalists often take very strident and unforgiving views on. Nationalist responses to homosexuality can vary from the suspicious to the homicidal, but Max Musson takes a much more reasoned and fair approach, acknowledging that homosexuality is not always a choice and that societies throughout the ages have experienced its presence in one way or another, and recognizing that it can often be associated with less desirable phenomena.